Kruger National Park.   November 2018

4. Kruger -other animals.

Although seeing the big cats is always exciting we love watching the other animals as well. Rivers and waterholes are always a draw in the dry season and it's lovely to park up somewhere and and watch animals making their way down to the water and interacting with one another.

I have listed the animals that we saw in alaphabetical order. 


We saw buffalo on several occassions, mostly at a waterhole or a river.  The largest herd that we saw was at the Sabie River.

A small group of ubuffalo drinking at a waterhole.

A large group of buffalo in the Sabie River Valley.


One of our favourite animals to watch, especially the interaction within families.  

 These two young bulls spent a long time pushing each other around.  

 In hot weather it's always lovely to watch elephants enjoying a water/mud bath.


 It's quite unusual to see giraffe lying down.

 Park of a larger group in the Sabie River valley.


where's there's water there are usually hippo!

A dozen or so hippo in a small pool.

The head of a single hippo.


These are, by far, the most common buck to be found in the Park.  In November there were qute a lot of youngsters, especially in the Southern part.      

A group of impala in the early morning light.

2 female impala with young.


They mailnly keep to the bush so can be difficult to spot.

 3 male kudu sharing a waterhole with some zebra.

 A female kudu.


These are smaller than kudu and distinctly marked.  The male and females look very different.

A female nyala with it youngster having d drink of milk.

A male nyala.


 Rhino poaching is, sadly, still a big problem.  We did get to see several during our trip. 

A single rhino in the road ahead of us.

3 rhino.


Warthog familes are always fun to watch.  After playing with one another for about 15 minutes the youngsters decided they needed a drink.

3 young warthog playing.

4 young warthog with their mum.


As their name implies they are usually found to be near on in rivers.

A male waterbuck on a river bank.

3 waterbuck feeding on water plants in a river


We saw surprisingly few wildebeest during our 3 week trip.

A small group of wildebeest near a waterhole.

2 wilderbeest and a zebra.


Another animal that we only saw occasionally. 

Head and neck of a zebra.

A zebra knealing doen to reach the water.

Small animals.

 A scrub hare which was enjoying the grass at Balule Camp.

 Part of a larger group of dwarf mongooses that stopped to watch us. 

A terrapin.

 An agama.

Last updated: January  2021