
South Africa

Southern Africa



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Northern Cape, South Africa 2009 - Richtersveld National Park - Birds

The Orange River is a magnet for birds in the area and in the 3 days we stayed at the Richtersveld campsite saw 30 different types - many, like the kingfishers, white eyes, darters and doves were constantly around.

Cape White-Eye.

This Cape Francolin came around for 'breakfast' each morning.

A family of 5 Pied Kingfishers were always nearby. The 3 youngsters would follow the adult birds and be constantly 'shouting and bawling' at them!

A pair of Darters were always around, either sitting on the rocks or diving for fish.

Doves were always around the camp.

Turtle Dove.

Laughing Dove

Nearby was a colony of Brownthroated Martins who were using a sandbank for their nests.

A female Mountain Chat on the lookout for crumbs.

Pied wagtail.

1. Karoo
2. Calvinia, Namaqualand
3. Springbok, Namqualand
4. Richtersveld National Park
4. Richtersveld - birds

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Animals seen:

Ground squirrel
Vervet monkey

Birds seen:

Pied kingfisher
Red-eyed bubbul
Cape turtle dove
Laughing dove
Grey heron
Goliath heron
Cape white-eye
Mountain chat
Malachite kingfisher
Brownthroated martin
Fish eagle
African black duck
Cape wagtail
Pied wagtail
Karoo chat
Little egret
Cape francolin
Whitebreasted cormorant
Cape robin
Hadeda ibis
Cape sparrow
Egyptian goose
Namaqua dove
Masked weaver
Threebanded plover
Pied barbet