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Indian Ocean Cruise 2010 - At sea, on board the MSC Sinfonia

The MSC Sinfonia is a huge ship with 12 decks. On our cruise there were about 1600 passengers although it can hold 2400.

Docked at Fort Dauphin, Madagascar.

St Louis, Mauritius - bet you can't spot Kev by the ship!

We'd booked an inside cabin (much cheaper) as we'd previously discovered that you don't spend a lot of time there.

It was a good size with a double bed, bathroom, wardrobe, table, sage and a fridge.

I'm standing by the door taking the photo and being reflected in the mirror.

Decks 11 and 12.

Deck 11 had 2 pools with 2 Jacuzzis between them surrounded by sun loungers.

Deck 12 was a walkway, with sun loungers, around the pool area.

We spent most of our days at sea up here, usually on a lounger in the shade. There were plenty of people who seemed to spend most of the day lying in the sun but that's not for us - 1/2 hour is enough for me. The pools were filled with sea water every day - great for cooling off.

Most days at sea there were pool games on offer - we didn't take part in any of them but they were fun to watch.

One was a 'Crossing the Tropic of Capricorn' initiation ceremony and involved any interested passengers getting covered in flour, eggs, tomato sauce etc before jumping into the pool (which then had to be emptied and refilled).

For the evening meal we were seated with the same people throughout the cruise and were lucky enough to meet 3 lovely couples, Colin & Elsa, Alan & Margie and Hennie and Ena.

We were often amongs the last to leave the dining room having taken a couple of hours over our meal..........


During the days when we were at sea there were various activities on offer - quizzes, bingo, talks, documentaries etc.

Every evening there was a show. As we were on the second dinner sitting (at 8.45pm) we went to the second show which started at 11.45pm and lasted for 30 - 50 minutes. There were a wide range of acts including an aerial artist, a hypnotist and a magician as well as several singers and the dancers.

At sea, on board the MSC SInfonia.



Ile St-Marie, Madagascar.

Fort Dauphin, Madagascar.

Maputo, Mozambique.



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