5. Back to Richmond via Mountain Zebra National Park.
We had to be back in Richmond early in March as we'd agreed to look after Geoff and Paula's place while they were away for a few days. We managed to get all the Reebok house transfer documents sorted and had enough time to spend 3 nights at Mountain Zebra National Park on the way back.
Magenta: Brak River to Mountain Zebra National Park.
Blue: Mountain Zebra to Tortoni campsite, near Maclear.
Green: Maclear to Richmond.
We drove along the N9 for most of the way - it's a National route however a lot of it is very quiet and, being a Sunday, there weren't many lorries. The Karoo wasn't as green as when we'd driven through it in January but still better than we've seen it on many occassions.
We've stayed at the campsite here on several occassions and, once again, thoroughy enyoyed our drives around the Park. There are 4x4 trails as well as gravel and tar roads. As well as plenty of animals to look out for the scenery is amazing.
The Park was set up to protect the endangered Cape Mountain Zebra which is different to the more well known Plains (Burchell's) Zebra.
Our site at Mountain Zebra campsite, which was comparatively quiet compared to some of our previous visits.
A Mountain Zebra foal. Its stripes don't go underneath its belly and the stripes go all the way down its legs.
We had a couple of drives around the Park, each time taking one of the 4x4 routes to the top of the plateau which is where most of the animals are to be found.
A male red hartebeest in the early morning light.
Driving up onto the plateau.
We stopped to watch this pair of male kudu fighting.
Beautiful views- and zebra- at the top of the plateau.
We managed to park up at the side of the road overlooking this dam and watched animals coming down to drink.
I always like to be able to capture reflections.
A stop at a viewpoint overlooking the valley below.
Still a bit of water in the river.
As we travelled NE through the Eastern Cape the landscape became greener.
Tortoni campsite is a short way downhill from the main road and overlooks a dam.
Travelling back to Richmond everywhere was lovely and green after good summer rains.
Last updated: November 2022