
South Africa

Southern Africa



Campsites (Africa)

Vehicle & Outfits










Mozambique and Kruger 2008 - Mkhuze Game Reserve, South Africa

We didn't get to Mkuze until 5.30pm so set up camp quickly and had a meal.

Having been to the reserve before we decided to visit a hide overlooking a waterhole early the following morning, however there was virtually no water, just mud, but we stayed there for an hour or so and saw a constant stream of game, especially wildebeest and buck coming down looking for water. A family of bush pigs and later a family of warthogs kept us amused with their antics for some time.

Mid morning we set off to the Mozambique border.



Bush pig family

Warthog family - (spot the difference?)

Mkhuze Game Reserve (South Africa)
Mozambique 1: Sand driving course
Mozambique 2: South coast beaches
Mozambique 3: Inland to the Kruger
Kruger National Park, South Africa

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