
South Africa

Southern Africa



Campsites (Africa)

Vehicle & Outfits










Kalahari 2009 - Kalahari, Botswana

We stopped for a night at Berrybush Farm near Tsabang which is just over theborder in Botswana.

We had an enclosed area with a braai and a large shady tree to ourselves.

The water in the Kalahari is salty so we had to take enough drinking water to last us for 10 days.

We then drove to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park which is in Botswana and South Africa.

We stayed at Mpaathutlwa Pan for 3 nights. There was a big wooden shade structure and, nearby, a long drop toilet. There was water for washing and a shower at the next campsite which was about a kilometre away.

There were no fences around the site so animals could go into the camp if they wanted to!!. As soon as we arrived we had a look around the site and saw these lion tracks going right across the site.....

One morning we dicovered that an animal - probably a jackal - had taken our potjie(cooking) pot. Luckily we found it not too far away.

We didn't see any lions while we were at the Pan but during the last night heard lions grunting nearby - at thish point I was wishing we had a roof-top tent rather than one on the ground!

The site overlooked a large Pan and we saw pleny of game, particularly sprinbok and gemsbok.

We spent most of the time at our camp enjoying the solitude.



Gemsbok - beautiful buck with long, straight horns.

We saw plenty of ground sqirrels. This one was tame enough to take bread out of Kevin's hand.

These vultures were near the waterhole in the Pan.

We were delighted to see a group of meerkats - they looked and behaved just like the ones we've seen on the TV in the UK!

There were plenty of birds about. ...

Whitequilled Korhaan

Crowned Plover

....lots of wild flowers

Kalahari, Botswana
Kalahari, South Africa
Kalahari, Namibia
Luderitz, Namibia
Fish RIver Canyon, Namibia
Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa
The Big Hole, Kimberley, South Africa
Diary Word document.

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...and butterflies