Zimbabwe. June 2023.

 2.  Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls 

This was our third visit to the Zimbabwean side of the Falls and definitely the wettest!   Always an amazing experience - photos never do justice to the sight and sound of the Falls.  We went to 6 or 7 of the 17 viewpoints but gave up once we got to the point where all we could see was spray!

Double rainbow over the Falls.

A massive amount o water going over the Falls.

Kevin at another Lookout Point getting wet from the spray.

The furthest Lookout Point we got to before everything was in the spray.

Alongside the Falls is a narrow rain forest created by the spray from the Falls. 

A path in the rainforest created by the spray.

 After our visit to the Falls we had a look around the market by the car park and were happy to find that the stall holders weren't at all 'pushy' - which we'd found in the past - so I was happy to browse amongst the stalls without being hassled by people.

After our visit we returned to our small but well appointed campsite at the NI Hotel and Campsite. 

From there we walked to a nearby bar for a welcome beer! 

Our group of 8 having a drink at a pub in Vic Falls.

From our campsite we could see the 'smoke' and hear the noise of the Falls.  Livingstone, the first Westerner to discover the Falls, named his sighting in honour of Queen Victoria, but the Sotho language name, Mosi-oa-Tunya—"The Smoke That Thunders"— is a more descriptive name.

Early morning sight from the campsite with the 'smoke' from the Falls visable above the trees.

Last updated: October  2023